Curious about anything at the ASF or about Apache projects? Can’t find the best place to ask? Here are a few meta-FAQs about FAQs on Apache, the ASF, and Apache projects and communities.
How can I get involved at Apache?
Just get started by emailing your ideas or questions to an Apache project you’re interested in.It’s up to you to start – the best projects to work on are ones you are already interested in. The Community Development project is here to help point you in the right direction.
How can I become an Apache committer?
First – find a project you are interested in. The best way to get involved is to use an Apache software product that you have a reason to use (even if just curiosity), and then ask questions or submit code patches to that project’s mailing lists.
It’s all up to you – Apache projects run on merit, which means people who do more work on that project – as measured by the community – get more of a say.
How many Apache projects are there?
There are over 190+ Apache software projects and there are over 50 Apache Incubator podlings that are working to become official Apache projects.
How do mailing lists work at Apache? Where should I email to ask questions?
Everything at Apache happens on archived mailing lists.
Find the right list to use. Technical questions always go to that project’s dev@ list – every project is independent and separate. Reading the Apache mail archives is a great way to see what other people are asking.
How is Apache software licensed? Is it free to use?
Apache software uses the Apache License, version 2.0. Questions? Contact the Legal Affairs Committee. Apache PMCs with specific questions: open a LEGAL Jira. All Apache software products are always free (no charge) to download and use.
Does Apache hold any trademarks or brands?
The ASF owns Apache trademarks, which include all Apache project and software product names and logos. Read useful trademark resources.
Where can I find press releases or analyst briefings?
Our Media and Analyst relations team runs @TheASF on Twitter and writes an official Foundation Blog.
Who does what at Apache?
See the ASF Org Chart of officers, find committers in the Apache people directory, read Planet Apache blogs.
How is the ASF organized? Is it a corporation?
The ASF is a 501C3 non-profit public charity. Members elect a Board of Directors that appoints Officers. Read about our governance and org chart.
How do I ask Infrastructure for help?
The crack Apache Infrastructure team runs everything, and protects our servers from rogue gnomes; you can contact Infra here. Remember: all questions about Apache software products should go to that project’s mailing list.
How do Apache projects work? What’s this Apache Way I’ve heard about?
Learn about The Apache Way, our community-led consensus behaviors that make Apache projects so efficient and long-lived, or view presentations about the ApacheWay.
Are donations to the ASF needed? Can I deduct them from my taxes?
Our non-profit relies on individual Donors and annual Sponsors for ourfunding and budgets. Donate today! (Often tax-deductible in the US!)
How do I get source code?
All code at Apache is freely downloadable from our Subversion or Git repositories. Learn how to Setup SVN or Git access.
Where else can I ask any questions about the ASF?
Apache Community Development (ComDev) volunteers are here to answer any other questions you have about how Apache communities work. You can read all the past questions on the ComDev mailing list.
My question wasn’t answered here!
Add your comments below if there are other questions that need answers – or ask the ComDev project for help!