So, I gave this talk at OSCON

So, it was short, but an important message that I don’t think many open source project participants are really thinking through yet. So, it was all about how BRAND > CODE, and I’m looking for feedback on how to expand this, so, into a much bigger and better talk.

OSCON Ignite 2014: BRAND > CODE, by Shane Curcuru

So, you have to understand: yes, watching the video is so painful. I’m not usually that so-so. It was a combination of nerves (bigger stage than expected), jetlag, E_NOTENOUGH_PREPTIME, and the fact that my cell phone had just taken a dip in the water a few hours earlier.

OSCON was awesome, by the way. Next year looking forward to making sure my travel plans include the Community Leadership Summit!

I use Slideshare, and I speak at ApacheCon on managing community brands and making profits while respecting brands.

ApacheCon presentation: Managing Apache Project Brands

At ApacheCon NA 2013 here in Portland, OR I will be talking to a packed house about how Apache projects manage branding and trademarks, to wild applause. OK, perhaps my crowd is not likely to give applause, but I’m certain it will be appreciated.

As a preview, here is the v2.0 slides of my presentation. While originally this was going to be similar to last summer’s OSCON presentation on Managing Open Source Brands, I’ve realized that the trademarks@ group at the ASF really has a very customized approach. So the slides have a very different feel, and help to show the real difference between how projects have maximum freedom – for their own technical / branding direction – but also have maximum support – because the ASF’s corporate organization stands behind their license, their trademarks, and our servers.

Managing Apache Project Brands slides (ODP

Please do let me know if you have comments on the presentation or my talk!

Slides are also posted on SlideShare.

OSCON presentation: Managing Community Open Source Brands

I recently presented a session in the Business track this year at OSCON 2012 about Managing Community Open Source Brands. My slides are posted here.

Looking back on the slides now, I’m finding that my original CFP submission did a far better job than I hoped at the time at covering the key points I’ll have time to cover. The hardest thing about writing this talk has been scaling it down to fit – there are far more issues about efficient project governance, basic trademark law concepts, and potential enforcement strategies than could possibly fit in a single session.

Hmmm. Maybe I’ll improve on this next year so I have an excuse to come to OSCON 2013…

Thanks to all who attended – the talk went very nicely, and I’m looking forward to some feedback. Brand management for community-led projects is a conversation that we’re just really starting – one that is an obvious follow-on to the licensing models and community strategies that folks at places like OSCON have been perfecting in the past decade.

CamelOne 2012 Presentation – About: Apache

I was recently asked to speak at the CamelOne conference here in Boston, about The Apache Way. Here are my slides (including my speaker notes, written today).


This presentation is placed under the Apache License, v2.0, and was created with Apache OpenOffice v3.4 Impress application, and uses Open Sans fonts, also under the Apache License. This is not to say that I use only the Apache license, more to point out that there are plenty of different kinds of resources available today under the Apache License.

If you have suggestions, questions, or comments about this or anything else Apache, please let me know! Even better, ask about it on the Apache Community Development Mailing Lists!

Many thanks to Jim Jagielski and Justin Erenkrantz, who’s past Apache Way slides I borrowed heavily from; and also many other Apache members like Lars, J Aaron and company who have given many an Apache Way talk in the past.