How Apache Runs Annual Member Meetings

As a Delaware non-stock membership corporation, the ASF’s bylaws specify that we hold an annual meeting of the membership. Since the ASF is also a distributed organization of volunteers, we hold our meetings a little differently than most companies – meeting on IRC over three days, and voting securely online.

Since we’re in the middle of our meeting this week, here are some answers to common questions. If these are valuable, we can add them to the ASF’s official member’s meeting process. I’ve also written a timeline of pre-meeting setup, as well as about the work after the meeting.

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Improving the Apache Member’s Meeting Experience, Part 2

Our annual Member’s Meeting for the ASF went well, resulting in some new members getting elected as well as two new directors being elected to the board. While we wait for a bit of paperwork to get filed, let’s document what needs to happen after a Member’s Meeting at Apache.

Continue reading Improving the Apache Member’s Meeting Experience, Part 2

Improving the Apache Member’s Meeting Experience, Part 1

The ASF is a membership corporation and holds an Annual Member’s Meeting every year to elect the board and nominate/elect new members.  As a volunteer-run software organization, we run this process by – wait for it – by emailing around a set of cryptically formatted text files from our private Subversion repository.  Of course, as (mostly) software people, we could make it easier on ourselves… with better software.  Shoemaker’s children, indeed.

Continue reading Improving the Apache Member’s Meeting Experience, Part 1