Signup for FREE events at ApacheCon next week!

ApacheCon NA offers a whole host of options next week in Atlanta, GA. There are a wide variety of trainings being taught by some of the key committers on Apache projects (look for the combination discount code!) on Monday and Tuesday. Wednesday thru Friday we have 5 tracks of great sessions, covering everything from business case studies to detailed technical talks.

We also offer some free events – these are open to the public, even if you can’t attend ApacheCon sessions or trainings. We do ask that you sign up in advance if possible, so organizers know how large a crowd to expect.

  • BarCamp Apache is free and runs during the day on Monday and Tuesday. Sign up, show up, and lead your own session with other BarCamp attendees!
  • Apache Meetups are hosted Monday through Thursday nights, starting at 8pm. We have meetups covering Apache projects like Hadoop, Lucene & Solr, Cassandra, Tomcat, Subversion, Deltacloud, Felix & OSGi, and of course the HTTP server. Meetups are free to attend by all.

If you are interested in any of the paid sessions or free events at ApacheCon, then you can show your interest by signing up on these popular social networks:

Follow @ApacheCon to learn more!

ApacheCon US 2009 schedule posted!

As tweeted this morning:

@noirins #ApacheCon US09 schedule @ – register now @

Check out our tehcnology-focused schedules each day, with input from the PMCs and communities themselves.

Day Business And Community Running Servers Providing Content Search Everything Beyond Web Services
Wednesday Business Tomcat Content Technology Hadoop Tuscany & Synapse
Thursday Community HTTPD Content Technology Lucene Web Services
Friday OFBiz HTTPD Geronimo & Directory Lucene Felix (OSGi)

Remember: the early bird discount for general attendees – both for trainings and the conference itself – expires on 14-August, so check out the schedule now and register soon!

0×16 days until ApacheCon: What sessions are when?

Can only make ApacheCon for one day? Coming all week but want to plan out what you’ll be doing? Can’t make it at all, but want to see the live video streaming we’ll have available?

We’ve done an even better job than before in focusing our tracks each day, so you can pick and choose, and know you’ll be getting a strong selection of talks on specific topics.


Morning Keynote: Data Management In The Cloud

OSGi and Geronimo
If we did any more on OSGi – all the way from quickstart, to real-life tales, to Geronimo management – we’d have to call ourselves Eclipse.
Data Mining and Search Technologies
Come hear about one of our most wildly popular projects – Lucene – and it’s many related search and data processing subprojects.
Business and Community
You don’t need to wear a suit – in fact, most people won’t. It’s an excellent resource for how our technology – and communities – fit into the larger ecosystems we live in.
Geeks for Geeks (Focus: Hadoop) (Live video stream)
You know you want to be here. Grid your Hadoop on the cloud in the cluster with a Pig in this highly technical track. (Yes, a Pig!)

Wednesday evening features the delicious opening reception with a celebration of the 10th anniversary of the ASF, as well as BOFs afterwards.


Afternoon keynote: Open sourcing the analyst business – turning proprietary knowledge inside out

Tomcat for Developers and Administrators (Live video stream)
This grandkitty of Servlet containers and JSP’s is as popular as ever – learn the details here.
Service-Oriented Architecture
Use your Synapses to figure out the right ServiceMix for your enterprise.
Business and Community
This day of biz/community talks is for everyone, and shows how to get community done right.
Geeks for Geeks
Thursday’s afternoon of G4G gets into some cutting edge tools. (Note: pony not included.)

Thursday features our ever-popular Lightning Talks, my personal favorite event of anything ApacheCon.


HTTP Server Administration (Live video stream)
Just what it says: hardcore httpd learning from people who helped write it; security & advanced topics.
Builds and Clouds
As the ASF and it’s projects grow, so do it’s build management tools.
Java Development
Get your java weenie hat here. Yes, that’s a good thing. Along with all the overviews, I want to see the Shindig.
Geeks for Geeks
Can you handle a third day of G4G?

Stay for the end of Friday, where we have a Closing Plenary and Raffle – with a number of prizes you definitely will want to win.

Have a better description of one of our tracks? Let us know here!