The ASF recently held it’s Annual Member’s Meeting where all Members of the Foundation cast ballots in the annual election for the Board. We are lucky to have had a number of excellent candidates for the board as always.
The new board comprises:
- Rich Bowen
- Shane Curcuru
- Bertrand Delacretaz
- Jim Jagielski
- Chris Mattmann
- David Nalley
- Brett Porter (chairman)
- Sam Ruby
- Greg Stein
I also keep a graphical history of the ASF board. Â The graphic there is a great way to see the slow but steady progress of electing new faces to the board over time. Â Thanks to all the active Members who voted in the elections!
As the ASF grows in projects, communities, and Members, we’re looking forward to continuing to support our now 165+ top level Apache projects going forward!
Note that a number of new Apache Member nominees were also elected; however we don’t share their names until they’ve all been contacted and have accepted the invitation. Â Stay tuned in a month for that announcement from @TheASF.