There are a wide variety of content sources for the ASF and ApacheCon, including a number of official ones (i.e. from moderated sources or from specific PMCs or ASF officers) as well as a stunning array of unofficial ones (from members, committers, and others associated with the ASF).
Note that the many projects, Incubator Podlings, and Labs hosted at the ASF have their own feeds and lists as well; this list only includes ASF-wide resources or ApacheCon-specific resources that have an obvious feed.
Official Feeds related to ApacheCon
- Official tweets about ApacheCon
- Major announcements about ApacheCon
- Tweets about BarCampApache in general (multiple events)
- Tweets about BarCampApacheOxford
- All CrowdVine posts for ApacheCon Europe 2009
- Just new members on CrowdVine
- Tweets from all CrowdVine members
Official Feeds related to the ASF
- Official tweets about the ASF
- News releases and major project announcements
- Community discussions across the ASF and related communities
- Discussing legal issues about open source and ASF code
- Discussing code repository standards and implementation at the ASF
- Formal news and announcements
- Discussions about projects related to running the ASF infrastructure
- Where projects at the ASF get put when the community goes dormant
- Where to read about new Podlings coming to the ASF
Tags related to the ASF
- #apachecon, #meetup, #barcamp
- hashtags for Twitter, etc.
- ApacheCon, ApacheConEU09
- Blog and photo tags (Also see our flickr groups)(per-show tags generally follow the format of [US|EU][08|09])
- apache
- A tag most often associated with technical issues about the HTTP Server project, although sometimes about the ASF overall
- asf
- An overall tag sometimes associated with the ASF and sometimes… not.

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