Apache by the Numbers

With credit to the many. many folks who have written nice stats collection code – a review of what the ASF is by the numbers.


  • Committers (any project): 2771
  • ASF Members (active): 370
  • iCLAs on file (from any contributors): 4162
  • PMC Members (all top level projects): 1788



  • SVN revisions in public repo: r1165340+
  • Lines of code: tens of millions++

Websites & Mailing Lists


  • End users: countless.
  • Web sites powered by Apache http Server: more than half worldwide
  • People with Apache software on their computers: countless [1]


[1] As a single example: Apache Xalan and Apache Xerces are shipped as the XML reference implementation and processing stack in virtually all Java installs.

[2] ASF Membership, Committership, and PMC membership are only granted to individuals who have shown merit within the respective Apache community, as voted on by other Members or PMC members within that community.

The ASF is grateful to the many corporate sponsors who pledge financial assistance or provide bandwidth and other infrastructure needs! However technical and organizational decisions in Apache projects or within the Foundation itself are always made by the individuals within that community.

Published by


Briefly, Shane is: a father and husband, a friend, a geek, a Member and director of the ASF, a baker, an ex-Loti, a BMW driver, a punny guy, a gamer, and lifelong resident within the 495 belt. Oh, and we have cats.

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