Ask Me about FREE Apache Contributor buttons!

Back once again at ApacheCon, I’ll be giving out free Apache “Contributor” feather buttons. All you have to do to get your button is let me know that you’ve donated funds to the Apache Software Foundation. Any amount qualifies for your free button!

If you’re interested in sponsoring the ASF at a higher level, we’d love that too, and I might have a bunch of buttons for you!

You may also see a number of people at ApacheCon featuring giant “Ask Me!” buttons with the Apache feather on them. Please – follow directions, and ask us your questions! A number of knowledgeable members are wearing these buttons, and will be happy to answer your questions about what the larger ASF is all about, and why the organization behind all of our great projects is also important to support.

For those who can’t make it to ApacheCon, please feel free to contact me offline or on the mailing list for your button.

Reminder: Apache and the feather logo are trademarks of The Apache Software Foundation, along with the names of our many projects – and should be used with respect both for the ASF as a whole and for the many committers in our project communities.

Signup for FREE events at ApacheCon next week!

ApacheCon NA offers a whole host of options next week in Atlanta, GA. There are a wide variety of trainings being taught by some of the key committers on Apache projects (look for the combination discount code!) on Monday and Tuesday. Wednesday thru Friday we have 5 tracks of great sessions, covering everything from business case studies to detailed technical talks.

We also offer some free events – these are open to the public, even if you can’t attend ApacheCon sessions or trainings. We do ask that you sign up in advance if possible, so organizers know how large a crowd to expect.

  • BarCamp Apache is free and runs during the day on Monday and Tuesday. Sign up, show up, and lead your own session with other BarCamp attendees!
  • Apache Meetups are hosted Monday through Thursday nights, starting at 8pm. We have meetups covering Apache projects like Hadoop, Lucene & Solr, Cassandra, Tomcat, Subversion, Deltacloud, Felix & OSGi, and of course the HTTP server. Meetups are free to attend by all.

If you are interested in any of the paid sessions or free events at ApacheCon, then you can show your interest by signing up on these popular social networks:

Follow @ApacheCon to learn more!

ApacheCon Oakland roundup

There was a ton of great news at ApacheCon US 2009 in Oakland this year, including some terrific blog posts about it and the Apache Way in general.

Watch for a wrapup of the many different videos that came out of the conference soon!

Getting to ApacheCon + Resources

Discount codes are still available for registering for ApacheCon, and we have plenty of free events. Tips on actually getting here:

  • Pack layers; the weather is a beautiful sunny 70degF days/50degF nights.
  • From SFO and OAK, take the BART light rail trains to the 12th Street Oakland City Center stop. From OAK, you’ll first take the AirBART bus to the BART station, which requires $3 exact change on the bus.
  • The Bay Bridge is open once again, so you can drive, although the BART is highly recommended unless you need assistance.
  • The Marriott hotel tower is kittycorner/diagonally across the street from the 12th street BART station – it’s closer than you think.
  • All conference events are in the Convention Center, which is in the same building as the Marriott: walk through the reception area around and past the escalators to the second floor conference rooms.
  • Sessions and Meetups are held on the first floor main conference halls, and in the 200-series rooms on the second floor of the convention center.

Roundup of information about ApacheCon:

ApacheCon discounts and free MeetUps

The hotel room rate discount has been extended through 19-October – this Monday – so there’s still time to get the group room rate. Some other useful posts and bits about ApacheCon have been posted this week.

  • Our CrowdVine calendar is up! You can connect with other attendees and create your own “my schedule” there to get a private ics feed of events you want to attend.
  • CrowdVine also provides a great aggregation of attendee’s blogs, tweets, and photos too.
  • OStatic by GigaOM is running a guest editor series on ASF people, including Jim (Chairman), Justin (President), and Shane (Director) so far, with more planned.
  • There are plenty of evening Meetups planned on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday – free to attend by all.
  • If you haven’t registered yet, there are still a few Apachecon discount codes available for another day or so – if you do a little digging or tweeting, I’m sure you’ll be able to score one!

ApacheCon room discount; Training interviews

The group discount rate ($169/night) for ApacheCon attendees staying at the conference hotel is scheduled to end today – so be sure to reserve your hotel room now if you’re planning to stay at the Marriott where the conference is held!

Our keynote speakers have been announced: Brian Behlendorf, Kirrlily Robert and the Apache Pioneers’ Panel.

The blog traffic is now really picking up about ApacheCon US 2009.

ApacheCon Blog Roundup

Folks have just started blogging in earnest about what they’ll be doing at ApacheCon this year in Oakland – besides our awesome birthday party. Here are a few of the best posts.

Check out OStatic as well for some cool upcoming Apache related postings.

ApacheCon registration discount ends Friday!

There’s still time to save over $200 for registering early for ApacheCon – just sign up before the end of Friday, 25-September!

Check out our technology-focused schedules each day, created and organized by our PMCs and communities directly.

Day Business, Community, and OFBiz (new!) Running Servers: httpd and Tomcat Providing Content on the Web Search Everything Beyond Web Services
Wednesday Business – what ASF projects mean for your business Tomcat – learn about Tomcat 7 from it’s developers Content Technology – Tapestry, Velocity, Wicket, Roller, Shindig Hadoop – use in the cloud, and subprojects Hive, Pig, HBase Tuscany & Synapse – they pull together your service stack
Thursday Community – strong communities make great projects HTTPD.conf – for admins and users of httpd Content Technology – Jackrabbit, Sling, CouchDB, POI Lucene – actually using all those search results with Solr, Nutch Web Services – Axis2 and WS in the real world
Friday OFBiz (new schedule being published!) HTTPD – for module users anddevelopers Geronimo & Directory – enterprise and open source LDAP and J2EE products Lucene – building intelligent and realtime search apps Felix (OSGi) – not your grandfather’s service platform

Follow @apachecon for the latest info, and for other great news about ApacheCon.

ApacheCon Early Bird Extended to 21-August

You still have a few more days left to get the best registration prices available – attendees or committers. The early bird discount has been extended through the end of this Friday, 21-August, so sign up now!

Want to show the world you’re attending? Check out the ApacheCon events on these popular social networking sites:

Register TODAY for discounts at ApacheCon US 2009

Be sure to register TODAY to save up to $500 in registration fees for most attendees! Early registration discounts are scheduled to expire at the end of 14-August for attendees and committers.

To see the schedule and register, visit Be sure to consider booking your hotel now too for the special discount.

Note: Community members wishing to attend ApacheCon, but who are unable to do so due to financial reasons are encouraged to apply for Travel Assistance before 17-August by completing the form at Financial support for flights, accommodation, subsistence, and conference fees are available. Anyone involved in Open Source is welcome to apply for financial support for flights, accommodation, subsistence and Conference fees. Hurry, applications close on 17 August.