ApacheCon Early Bird Extended to 21-August

You still have a few more days left to get the best registration prices available – attendees or committers. The early bird discount has been extended through the end of this Friday, 21-August, so sign up now!

Want to show the world you’re attending? Check out the ApacheCon events on these popular social networking sites:

Register TODAY for discounts at ApacheCon US 2009

Be sure to register TODAY to save up to $500 in registration fees for most attendees! Early registration discounts are scheduled to expire at the end of 14-August for attendees and committers.

To see the schedule and register, visit http://www.us.apachecon.com/ Be sure to consider booking your hotel now too for the special discount.

Note: Community members wishing to attend ApacheCon, but who are unable to do so due to financial reasons are encouraged to apply for Travel Assistance before 17-August by completing the form at http://www.apache.org/travel/ Financial support for flights, accommodation, subsistence, and conference fees are available. Anyone involved in Open Source is welcome to apply for financial support for flights, accommodation, subsistence and Conference fees. Hurry, applications close on 17 August.

ApacheCon US 2009 schedule posted!

As tweeted this morning:

@noirins #ApacheCon US09 schedule @ http://us.apachecon.com/c/acus2009/schedule/grid – register now @ http://www.apachecon.com/register

Check out our tehcnology-focused schedules each day, with input from the PMCs and communities themselves.

Day Business And Community Running Servers Providing Content Search Everything Beyond Web Services
Wednesday Business Tomcat Content Technology Hadoop Tuscany & Synapse
Thursday Community HTTPD Content Technology Lucene Web Services
Friday OFBiz HTTPD Geronimo & Directory Lucene Felix (OSGi)

Remember: the early bird discount for general attendees – both for trainings and the conference itself – expires on 14-August, so check out the schedule now and register soon!

Congratulations to the new Board!

The ASF just concluded it’s annual member’s meeting, where we elected a new board of directors. Before I list them here, I want to say what gets said at every member’s meeting when we elect a new board:

THANK YOU! To the hard work and dedication from all the past board members, and our executive officers.

This is in no way to overlook the work that all our committers have willingly donated to the ASF’s mission of producing software for the public good.  But it is a recognition of the steps above and beyond that serving as a director or officer of the ASF requires.

The new board of directors for the ASF are:

  • Shane Curcuru
  • Doug Cutting
  • Justin Erenkrantz
  • Roy T. Fielding
  • Jim Jagielski
  • Geir Magnusson Jr
  • Brian McCallister
  • Brett Porter
  • Greg Stein

I’ve also compiled a updated graphical history of ASF directors.

Graphical overview of Sun’s JSPA violations

Stephen Colebourne has done an amazing job in explaining Sun’s violations of the JSPA and why it’s important to the ASF and open software. This is a must read for anyone interested in the issue of shipping open or free Java software.

There’s a lot of commentary – both pro and con – over the ASF’s open letter to Sun about the JSPA and Sun’s inappropriate field of use restrictions on the JCK that would be provided for Apache Harmony. It seems that much of the commentary is missing the true issues, either from not understanding the true the details, or because people or organizations have their own agendas to promote.

By adding this clause, it meant that the tested code would need to contain an additional clause over and above the standard Apache license. A clause that would be invalid for any open source software as defined by the OSI. To be clear, this FOU clause would be an issue for any open source group trying to implement the Java SE specification. – S. Colebourne

Here are some resources that are worth reading about the issue:

Stephen’s excellent graphical overview
This shows clear pictures of how Sun inserts a field of use restriction clause to block Apache Harmony.
Stephen’s overview of IP throughout the JCP process
This shows how the JCP is supposed to safeguard and provide open licensing of IP within any specification, ensuring that independent vendors can implement the specifications.
The ASF’s Open Letter to Sun
This is the official position of the ASF, and while it’s an important document, it’s not as easy to read as other sources. There is a FAQ from the ASF available which offers some insight.
Geir’s commentary on the current state of the issue
The ASF’s own Geir Magnusson Jr., VP of JCP, and Dalibor Topic duel over the topic, alternately attempting to sidestep the issue or lock horns straight on.
The actual JCP vote on JSP-316: Java EE 6
While the ASF is the only organization that actually voted No, you really need to read the comments from other voters, as well as evaluate the Abstain votes.
The JCP’s own procedure documentation, including a glossary
The JCP itself has governance rules. If you really want to understand the background about how the JCP works, there’s a lot more history; in this case it’s really the foundation of how JCP rules that is at issue with what Sun has been doing.

Happy Birthday, ASF!

ApacheCon has featured a number of events commemorating the 10th anniversary of the founding of The Apache Software Foundation. We’ll be featuring “asf10years” events throughout the year, culminating with some very special stuff at ApacheCon US 2009 in Oakland, 2-6 November.

Some of the 10th anniversary items we’ve posted this week include:

Note: there’s a delay of several days, but our video streaming partner Linux Magazine will be putting all the video content (free and paid) into their archive. Stay tuned for a note when it’s available in the archive, but several of these talks are definitely worth watching again.

Tip: there will also be a video or two of us – all the ApacheCon attendees – signing Happy Birthday to Apache.

Welcome to ApacheCon Europe 2009!

Quick note: if you can’t attend ApacheCon, you can still watch the free live video streaming of our Keynotes and lunch talks! Other technical tracks are available for a fee. Remember: all times are from Amsterdam (CET), so Wednesday’s keynote “Data Management in the Cloud” with Raghu Ramakrishnan of Yahoo! starts at 09:30.

If you don’t have your badge yet, registration will open at 08:00 in the main conference area of the hotel, upstairs from the lobby, and sessions start at 09:00 on Wednesday.

If you’re already at ApacheCon, I’m jealous – I hope you’ve been enjoying the trainings, Hackathon, and BarCampApache this year, along with the stellarly attended Meetups this year!

Along with the many data feeds about the ASF and ApacheCon, please be sure to check out the new official blog of the ASF at http://blogs.apache.org/foundation/, hosted on our own Apache Roller blogging platform, of course! Many thanks to our infrastructure volunteers for setting up our blogging system.

0x03 days until ApacheCon: your packing list

I’ll spare you all the obvious packing tips, and just point out a few things you many not have thought about to pack when visiting Amsterdam.

Voltage adapter
Note that if you have modern electronics like me – a newish Mac or Thinkpad, iPhone, etc. and many recent cameras – you don’t actually need a voltage converter. Double-check your power adapters to see if they can take 220volts. You will need the two-round-pin adapter for the continent, however.
Your laptop
Highly recommended. The majority of attendees will have a laptop of some sort, and most of them will be typing on them throughout the conference.
Shampoo and soap
The Moevenpick doesn’t provide them. That was a minor surprise for me, used to travelling in the US where every hotel has little complimentary toiletries.
Comfortable walking shoes
You’ll do a lot of walking if you go out into the city (which you should!) Plus layers and a windbreaker to stay warm; Amsterdam weather will be cool, windy, and rainy to start the week. Or, join folks to go running or biking.
Bringing enough to buy your train ticket from the airport to Centraal will save you in fees. Plan on using an ATM (note: there are some fees, but often it’s less than moneychangers) at Centraal or around the city.

If you’ve never been to Amsterdam, you absolutely need to read our Amsterdam Tips on the wiki, which include instructions for taking the train and tram from the airport.

0x04 days until ApacheCon: Read this! All the feeds about Apache & ApacheCon

There are a wide variety of content sources for the ASF and ApacheCon, including a number of official ones (i.e. from moderated sources or from specific PMCs or ASF officers) as well as a stunning array of unofficial ones (from members, committers, and others associated with the ASF).

Note that the many projects, Incubator Podlings, and Labs hosted at the ASF have their own feeds and lists as well; this list only includes ASF-wide resources or ApacheCon-specific resources that have an obvious feed.

Official Feeds related to ApacheCon

Official Feeds related to the ASF

Tags related to the ASF

#apachecon, #meetup, #barcamp
hashtags for Twitter, etc.
ApacheCon, ApacheConEU09
Blog and photo tags (Also see our flickr groups)(per-show tags generally follow the format of [US|EU][08|09])
A tag most often associated with technical issues about the HTTP Server project, although sometimes about the ASF overall
An overall tag sometimes associated with the ASF and sometimes… not.

[Ann] ApacheCon Europe 2009 – Watch live video, download the Program Guide, and Save the Dates

If you were on the announce-at apachecon.com you’d already be reading this.

ApacheCon Europe 2009 publishes our downloadable Program Guide; provides live Video Streams; has free signups available for MeetUps and the BarCamp; and announces Save-the-Date for upcoming conferences and events. Everything you need to know: http://www.eu.apachecon.com

Download the ApacheCon Program Guide

The listing of everything at the conference downloadable as PDF:

Can’t Attend? Live Video Streams Of Keynotes Free

Watch our keynotes and lunchtime sessions for free with live streaming video from Linux New Media. Full session tracks are available for a fee. Free and paid tracks are available in an archive later.

Special Events: MeetUps, BarCampApache – Free

  • It’s free to attend BarCampApache on Monday, 23 March during the day.
    http://barcamp.org/BarCampApache – Add your name to participate
  • MeetUps on Monday and Tuesday evening are also free.
    Monday at 19:00: join the Maven and Portals communities.
    Tuesday at 19:00: join Wicket, Lucene, and JCR/Jackrabbit/Sling.
    http://xrl.us/aceu09mc MeetUp schedule and sign up to participate

Save The Dates! ApacheCon and More

4-5 April 2009 – Oxford, England
ApacheCon US 2009 – Celebrating the 10th Anniversary of The ASF!
2-6 November 2009 – Oakland, CA
ApacheCon Europe 2010
Spring 2010
ApacheCon US 2010
1-5 November 2010 – Atlanta, GA
ApacheCon North America 2011
7–11 November 2011 – Vancouver BC, Canada

Interested in sponsoring ApacheCon?

Contact Delia Frees at delia@apachecon.com for further information.
http://xrl.us/aceu09ss Our current sponsor list

ApacheCon Europe 2009 Team
planners-2009-eu -at -apachecon.com